How to upload photos

To make photos appear on the Tudor photos pages please follow the following steps:

  • Create a free account on Flickr if you don't already have one.
  • Upload your pictures to flickr. Ideally giving them a name which describes them including the event and date.
  • Ask to join the Tudor Sailing Club group on flickr.
  • Tag the photos in Flickr following the scheme outlined below:

Manditory Tags: 'TudorSC'

Year Tag: '2023', '2024' etc.

Section Tags: 'dinghy', 'cruiser', 'rowing', 'wow', 'kayaking', 'cadets', 'social'

Optional Event Tags: These tags are listed on the photos page (e.g. 'regatta', 'outofharbour', 'nab_tower', 'gig')