Club Trophy Cabinet

Dinghy Trophy
Dinghy Series
Cruiser Events
Rowing Trophies
Other Trophies

Wombles Cup - Largest Haul

The Wombles Cup.

Inaugurated in 2023.

Environmental event to raise awareness of rubbish in the harbour. Competitor that collects the most amount of rubbish is the winner. All craft can enter.

Award for the 'Largest Haul of Rubbish'

2023 Rosie

Coffee Cup Trophy
Ferry Boat Trophy
Freedom Trophy
Friendship Trophy
Navigator Trophy
The Coastal Rowing Academy Shield
The Salt Shack Trophy
The Ship Inn Trophy
Tudor Challenge Cup
Tudor Relic
Winter Trophy
Wombles Cup - Environmental Damage
Wombles Cup - Largest Haul
Wombles Cup - Most Unusual
Wombles Cup - Oldest